8th Pay Commission Brings Big Salary Hike for Central Government Employees at No Extra Cost!

Good news is going to happen for the central government employees as discussion on 8th pay commission starts. Among the priority addresses is to increase the fitment factor from 2.57 to 2.86, which will mean a large increase in the salary and pensions. The idea was recently expressed by Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary, National Council of Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM).

What is the Fitment Factor?

The fitment factor is actually used to determine the new basic salary for purposes of implementing new wages structures. Currently basic pay is multiplied by the fitment factor to know the new T.S. For example if an employee’s current basic pay is ₹ 20000 applying the proposed fitment factor of 2.86 the new revised basic pay would be ₹ 57200. With this transformation, overall salaries are projected to rise significantly by 2040.

Main Features of 7th and 8th Pay Commission

Currently, the 7th Pay Commission is using the fitment factor at 2.57 for pay and pension since 2016. However, the proposed 8th Pay Commission is worked out to enhance the fitment factor to 2.86 and thereby the proposed increase in salary range is about 11%-15%.

One of the most important factors that may be affected by the proposed fitment factor is change in salary.

If implemented, here’s how salaries could look under the new fitment factor:

  • Basic pay ₹18,000 → New basic ₹51,480
  • Basic pay ₹25000 → New basic ₹71500
  • Basic pay = ₹ 50,000 → New basic pay = ₹ 1,43,000

Benefits of Increasing the Rate of Fitment

It is good to note that an increase in the fitment factor has got good returns for the employees, as well as pensioners. Those offers would enhance the carriers’ financial security and allow for better coping with inflation rates among the employees. Another advantage of pension reform will also be a raise in payouts of pensioners.

Employee Demands

Workers have started pressurising the government to undertake the new fitment factor at the earliest. This has been accompanied by other calls for adjustments in other allowances such as DA, HRA and travel allowances to reflect current prices.

While negotiations go on, between the government and the employees’ unions, central employees have anxiously await the ending on the 8th Pay Commission and its essential recommendations.

10 thoughts on “8th Pay Commission Brings Big Salary Hike for Central Government Employees at No Extra Cost!”

  1. This fitment factor is good. Hope of the govt employees of the country is that PM Narendra Modi , FM Nirmala Sitaraman and their team would not despair of leave govt employees despair, hopeless, would not leave us dissatisfaction. 2.86 fitment factor is big transformation if implemented. Hope this FF will be implemented. PM Modi is best PM, leader of the world. Along with him is Finance Minister Nirmala Mdm is also on the line. God bless this govt to disseminate the blessings to the people of country.

  2. The Government have vehemently denied several times in the Parliament that there will not be 8th Pay commission. The government is engaged in finding alternate ways to pay increase. Similarly, no payment will be made for 3 instalments ceased during corona. Please do not misguide the employees/pensioners on these two subjects. DP Gautam, Pensioner.

  3. This fitman factor is good specially for lower level jobs they work so hard for such a low income.
    Making high salary for goverment servent benefits in working area since they work better and efficiently due to less financial problems.Also,it also benefits that they will be not doing under the table work.

  4. Pay commission and implementing it’s recommendations is not that easy.It will take atleast three years minimum to get the benefit.In stead the unions should insist on higher fitment factor and its acceptance and implementation at the earliest .Other things may be considered by the commission simultaneously.In the mean time govt may pay interim relief to the employees till the final decision is implemented.

  5. Retired persons are senior citizens and super senior citizens. They are going to survive for a little period only after retirement. By that time time they were discarded by their kids and they became orphans like. So our beloved Modi ji should consider them for helping in all the ways for the little span of life to be very happy. Please help the retired people.


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